Studio Singing Lessons

Online Zoom Singing Lessons 

Blended Singing and Somatic Therapy Sessions. 

Recording and Live performance opportunities.

National Disability Insurance Scheme Clients




All ages and Levels

Jennifer is highly regarded as a caring attentive singing teacher and vocal coach, with experience, testimonials and results spanning over the past 20 years. She engages in a holistic , collaborative yet professionally directive approach  with students.

Some points explored will be anatomy, breath, alignment, technique, repertoire, stage and performance  technique and nervous system regulation for performance anxiety,  nerves , audition coaching and preparation. 

(Short Bio Below)

Contact to arrange a 30 session pro gratis experience and discuss your goals. 


Pricing $ 450 for block of 10x45min sessions

Which equates to $45 per 45min session.

Casual rate $60 per session

60 mins

Pricing $600 for block of 10x60 min sessions

Which equates to $ 60 per session.

Casual rate $75 per session.


Discovering your Voice and Somatic Therapies

A unique option for adult vocal students is a blend of singing practice and technique combined with healing, connective and  expressive somatic therapies,Qigong breath work, ancestral lineage connection through ancient folk songs etc.

Remembering your authentic voice, your signature sound and experience connection, liberation ,wholeness and confidence

Contact me for more information . Also available as a zoom class, so no geographical inhibitors. 


$600 for a block of 10x60min sessions 


National Disability Insurance Scheme Client SESSIONS


As a Certified Holistic Voice and Sound Therapist, I provide many facets of development , growth and community, integration for those within the NDIS System 

Some Arts/ Music aspects on offer are 


Songwriting as therapy and connection

Recording and Video

Instrument interaction and soundscape creation 

Nervous System regulation techniques,

Sound Therapy to promote mood stability, improve clarity, relieve stress and promote relaxation, creativity, boost the immune system and so much more.

This multi faceted program is designed to work  with the various elements synchronistically, the outcome of which ,brings about a sense of enrichment, healing, confidence, builds a sense of self worth,  extension and freedom of expression for the client. 

I currently have several clients who are thriving and expanding in this program. Click here to find out more on the dedicated Living Sounds site.

This is all hosted in my nurturing studio space in Adelaide Hills , Stirling . 


A session typically goes for 90mins with a blend of many elements that can be tailored each session to the client's needs .

$90 per hour. 

Contact me for more details and to see if it is a good fit. 

About Jenifer DeGrassi

Trained at the Elder Conservatorium of music in both Classical and Jazz, the Jo Estill Method ,has studied Eastern European and Persian singing , performed in various jazz ensembles, musical theatre, is a composer ,performer and a holistic voice and Sound Therapist. ( trained at The British Academy of Sound Therapy ) You will also find her performing her eclectic original compositions in concert mode. 

As a consequence to these rich experiences ,she is proficient in any genre of music due to her vast performance catalogue spanning several decades.


Singing is for anyone with a heart to do so. It is good for brain development, confidence and releases  serotonin, dopamine oxytocin and regulates the nervous system . And it's just fun . Trainers, Speakers Sound Therapists Teachers ,the young and older, beginners and professional. In fact anyone needing to connect with their voice and improve the mastery of their voice will receive great benefit and acceleration within their craft from this guidance , insight and training.

What to expect

A session is usually 45mins or 60mins long. A typical session will consist of warm up and technical exercises, technique and then repertoire and stagecraft if there is a concert scheduled. There are recording facilities here at the studio, which is a whole other facet to undertake and students can record individual songs or an EP if they so wish .Live performance is also encouraged with a concert held annually at the iconic live music venue The Governor Hindmarsh Hotel , specifically for students to showcase their talents on the large stage, in a professional setting and of course,  family and friends to celebrate their achievements. 

Audition preparation and solo performance is another focus with many students winning places in prestigious schools, WAAPA , NAIDA ACPA and The Conservatorium of Music . This is a constant source of mentoring fulfilment for Jennifer , witnessing students taking those crucial leaps toward their dreams.

Contact Jennifer to book a pro gratis 30min session.

What people say

Leanne Smith 

Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality, Value 

" My daughter Ella (age nearly 10 when started) has been a student with Adelaide Hills Arts since 2017. 
She has grown in confidence and learnt many skills and techniques that has enabled her to blossom and find her special voice thanks to Jennifer. Jennifer has embraced Ellas unique personality and performance style with patience and respect at all times. She has challenged Ella to be the best she can be and supported her when Ella has found challenges in songs and belief in her own capabilities. 
Jennifer has encouraged Ella and supported her throughout this journey of finding her voice, performing skills and confidence. 
I highly recommend Adelaide Hills Arts to anyone who has a passion for singing/music/performing. 

Jennifer’s undeniable talent, professionalism, knowledge, 
experience, communication and genuine warm supportive nature which my daughter has been lucky enough to experience has no doubt positively influenced her to believe in herself and her talent going forward. 
A huge thanks to Jennifer.💓 "

Leanne Smith.  



I’ve had the pleasure of working with Jennifer for about 5 months now, doing both singing lessons and sound healing. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I can honestly say I have been so blessed to have connected with her. I have learnt a lot in terms of singing, gaining a lot of confidence and I am excited to keep going. Her knowledge of the voice is beyond any of the previous teachers I’ve had. I always look forwards to lessons, it’s the highlight of my week.

Alex ...Adelaide Hills 

The sound healing has been such a wonderful experience! I have tried many different types of therapy and this has by far been the best. Jennifer has such a lovely calm and patient approach, she never rushes and always feels so welcoming. She truely meets her clients where they are at, without judgement or expectation. The way she uses sound is so calming and soothing, she has an excellent understanding of the nuances of the way sound can effect both the mind and body. She combines her extensive knowledge with an intuitive approach to really give the best experience possible. She has been very welcoming and understanding of my autism and trauma and I always feel at peace whenever I visit.

Alex...Adelaide Hills 

Showcase performance ~showing us how it is done

The Bacharach and Beehive Choir @ Fringe Festival